Gina Kurtich Sternfels grew up in Plaquemines Parish. She graduated from Immaculata High School and Louisiana State University where she studied fine arts and psychology. She now resides on the northshore with her husband, Roland, and three boys (ages 20, 18, 17). She is passionate about disabilities as she has a son with autism. Dealing with boys and autism in the house has kept her on her toes, and she embraces life as “never boring!” She participates on the Archdiocese Commission on Persons with Disabilities. With Roland, she has been part of Catholic Engaged Encounter for many years. She and her family are parishioners at Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Covington. She has joined the Encounter School of Ministry to dig deep and learn more about her faith in a new way. She is working on being still, to hear the Father’s voice and use her gifts of creativity amidst the business of day-to-day life as a momma … on path with purpose!