My Miscarriage Taught Me to Long for Jesus

By Megan Lacourrege

I think it is impossible to look at the ultrasound pictures taken during pregnancy and not to begin dreaming. That’s how it’s been for me, anyway.

In 2018, when I saw the ultrasound image of a teeny, tiny baby at just eight weeks in my womb, I wondered who that little person was. I dreamed of meeting him and holding him. I wanted to know what he looked like and what his personality would be. Read More

Making Lemonade Out of Lemons

By Charlotte Phillips

When the schools closed on March 13 to help stop the spread of the coronavirus, I don’t think any of us expected to still be living in this state of limbo six months later.

Finishing the last nine weeks of the school year around our kitchen table while my husband and I worked from home was less than ideal. Our daughter was sad to miss her ballet recital, our oldest son was upset he didn’t get to play flag football, and I was sad to miss our middle son’s pre-school closing program. Read More

In Thanksgiving for Answered Prayers

By Sarah McDonald

On Sunday, August 23, as the threat of a hurricane double whammy loomed over New Orleans, we went to Mass as a family for the first time in several weeks. My husband and I figured there was no better time to attend together even if it meant mask-distracted 6 and 4 year olds.

When we returned home, my neighbor was outside gardening. She cut two flowers and gave them to my “Happy Face” child who loves flowers and all things girly, points she has made very clear in her just 2 years of life. Read More

Being a Good Neighbor

By Ana Borden

One of the many places we evacuated to the first six weeks following Hurricane Katrina was Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Words will never express the emotions following the days and weeks following the devastation when hope seemed to cease.

After many anxious days and sleepless nights, an invitation came through on one of the news broadcasts, “Dolly Parton is inviting all impacted by Katrina to spend a day at Dollywood.” Read More

Always God’s Children

By Megan Lacourrege


Megan Lacourrege

“Mom, I need help!”

I can count on hearing these words echo through my house regularly. I always wonder what I’m going to find. A spill? A request for help reaching something high up? An invitation to play a game?

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How will they know we are Christians?

By Ty Salvant

“We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.

And they’ll know we are Christians

by our love, by our love

Yes, they’ll know we are Christians

by our love.”

Recently, we sang these words to one of my favorite Mass hymns, “They’ll know we are Christians by our Love.” This hymn brings me joy and makes my heart skip a beat, yet it also causes anxiety for me. Read More

Wedding Interrupted

By Kim Roberts

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around all the havoc Covid has wrecked in everyone’s life over these many long months. The isolation, illness, panic, loss of freedoms, missed milestone events and just the joy that has been sucked out of day-to-day life. Read More

The Nativity of Our Lady

By Charla Spalluto Misse

When my son was 3 while we were driving to preschool, I explained that I was going to Mass for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, in other words, for our Mother Mary’s birthday.

My son’s “job” at that time was to pick balloons for all celebrations. So, he asked when he would pick the balloons for the birthday celebration.

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Why I Write

By Kristen Bourgeois

I’ve always been introspective, and I love to write. I’ve got journals dating back to high school. But somewhere along my conversion, I stopped writing about the circumstances of whatever drama was unfolding at the current moment and started writing down what God was doing in my life.

Mostly, I wrote down what God was doing in my life because I didn’t want to forget it! Read More

Parenting in the Time of Corona

By Casey Sprehe

Sleep train a baby – check

Potty train a toddler – check

Send a kid to school – check

Parent during a pandemic – ????

As a planner, I often prepare for my kids’ next phase of life. Honestly, it has been helpful in many aspects of parenting. Gleaming on wisdom of those who have gone before me, I have found valuable information on raising my children. Read More

Losing a pet

By Christine Bordelon

I know pet lovers out there understand the difficulty of losing a beloved animal as we did recently when our 16-year-old Maltese Chloe died.

The only pet I had growing up was a parakeet, Pretty Pete, but, I’ve always loved them as did my husband had multiple pets as a kid. When we married, we knew a dog would be in our family. Read More