Family of Adorers

By Ty Salvant

Eucharistic Adoration, “is a devotional practice of adoring and praying in the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.”

When was your last visit to the adoration chapel?

While becoming a committed adorer has crossed my mind frequently over the past few years, it never fit into my schedule. I could easily give myself a pass by reflecting on the fullness brought by my obligations to family, commitments to ministry and dedication to organizations. I could focus on my unpredictable schedule, making it difficult to commit to an hour a week at the same time or the inconvenient free hours during this phase of my life. Read More

A spiritual athlete

By Charla Misse

I have been thinking about the many parallels between physical training and spiritual training:

            • By starting small and working up to greater goals, we get stronger, go faster and reach higher.
            • Through persistence, we develop good habits and find ourselves conditioned for even unexpected challenges.
            • At times when we are injured or our schedules are disrupted, we have to remind ourselves to start again and to be patient, realizing that it will take time to return to a previous level of fitness Read More

Sleeping St. Joseph

By Sarah McDonald


Last year at Christmas, my sister gifted my husband, brother and brother-in-law a statue of the “Sleeping St. Joseph.” It was a figure none of us had seen before, but had been made popular by Pope Francis.

On his apostolic visit to the Philippines in 2015, the Holy Father said, “I like St. Joseph very much. He’s a strong man of silence. On my desk, I have an image of St. Joseph sleeping. Even when he is asleep, he looks after the Church. Yes! We know that he can do that. So, when I have a problem, a difficulty, I write a little note, and I put it underneath St. Joseph, so that he can dream about it! In other words, I tell him: Pray for this problem!” Read More

Best road to take: model Jesus

By Michelle Macicek

“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”

These are the words that Jesus first speaks while hanging on the cross. I was reminded of this during our parochial vicar’s homily this past weekend, and I found myself wondering how in the unfair, undeserving agony he was in he could show this beautiful mercy for all of us. This was not just spoken for those present who were against him, torchering and ridiculing him. These words were spoken for you and I. Read More

The Gift of Grandparents

By Charlotte Phillips

On Mardi Gras day, my in-laws beat us home from the Zulu parade, ready and waiting to pick up our four sweet kiddos before making the five-hour return trip back to Florida. My husband and I told them to spend the night and leave the next day. “If we wait until tomorrow then we’ll lose part of our day of playing with them,” my mother-in-law said. I couldn’t help but smile, because at that moment I didn’t know who was more excited, our kids or the grandparents! Read More

The Gift of Water

By Ana Borden

Water is a gift from God. It nourishes us not only physically but spiritually, as we experience, for example, in the sacrament of Baptism. Read More

Little Faith-Filled Celebrations

By Gina Sternfels

“The one who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much; and the one who is unrighteous in a very little thing is also unrighteous in much” Luke 16:10.

Through our years of autism struggles, I have learned to find little celebrations each day!  As a parent, it helps me be in a better place and look for little things that are worth noticing myself. Doing this, helps strengthen my faith and be a better parent.  It is too easy to concentrate on all the stresses of daily life and the world. Read More

Don’t know it all

By Stacy LaMorte

It is important for our children to know that we don’t know it all, that we don’t have all the answers. Having three teenagers is a humbling experience. When our kids come to us with questions when they are little, we usually have the answers that they seek because their questions are quite simple.

However, when they get older, these questions become more complex. Read More

Adjusting to a new baby

By Kristen Bourgeois

We recently welcomed our third child in December.  A little girl. Those first few weeks are so precious, but also a bit stressful as we adjusted to a family of five. I didn’t want the new routines or the lack of routines to rob us of our joy with this new baby. As we navigated the fourth trimester, I was reminded of a few things. Read More

Wisdom is with the aged

By Greg Zambrano

When we go to Mass, there are many things that we notice occurring. Offering Jesus, his death on the cross and our clean and contrite heart are the ultimate offerings to God from the laity.

If you ever attend Mass on a weekday, especially early in the morning, you notice that those there are mostly senior citizens. Whenever everyone stands, sits or kneels, they are usually the first ones to do so. Especially when it comes to standing from a sitting position, they sometimes anticipate the call from the priest to stand. Read More

Preparing for the Journey

By Jenny Dendinger

I don’t know about you, but I have never been great at Lent. I have this bad habit of fixating on a “no pain, no gain” mindset, and, in the end, it typically causes me more harm than good.

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